Transponder Maker Pro TMPro2 works with immobilisers eeprom dumps. You must have electronic knowledges and to know how to use soldering-desoldering tools and memory devices programmers.It is your choice what programmer you will use for reading memory devices – TMPro2 memory device programmer or other programmer. In order to program transponder you have to remove immobox/BSI/UCH unit from car, open it, desolder memory device or solder wires on testpoints, and read it. Depending of vehicle memory device can be serial eeprom, Motorola MCU, Microchip PIC MCU, ST10F269 MCU, Texas Instruments MCU etc… Next step is to program transponder. Last step is to solder back memory device, reassemble IMMObox/BSI/UCH and fit back to car.
Working with TMPro2 is easy. You must have some electronic knowledges and equipment, like soldering iron, hot air gun, multimeter etc. Also you need to know which unit contains key data, and it`s location in vehicle. Remove unit from vehicle, open it and locate memory device. For some of units memory device is easy to be accessed, but for other it is not easy – you must cut a hole, dig a silicone etc.
When type of memory device is clear, you have to see how you can read/write it.
For 70% of softwares reading and writing of memory devices can be done either by TMPro2 or by other programmer.
For 5% of softwares reading and writing is mandatory to be made with TMPro2.
For 25% of softwares for reading and writing of memory devices you must use other programmer.
Multi-language: Bulgarian, English, French, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Serbian, Italian and Czech.
Memory device depends on unit, that contains key data. Memory device can be:
* Serial eeprom. Supported are all 93cXX, 24cXX, 25/95cXXX, X5328, S29190, X24c01, 95p08.To read or write serial eeproms, you must desolder it from board and solder on TMPro2 eeprom adapter. On adapter there are sockets for 3 different types – DIL, SMD and SSOP.
* Motorola 912/9S12 not locked, ST10F269 or Moric. To read or write these MCU you have to use cable with 8 stripped wires. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software.
* Motorola HC805P18. To read or write this Motorola you must use TMPro2 Motorola HC805P18 adapter. Desolder MCU from IMMObox and solder it on adapter.
* Microchip PIC. To read or write Microchip PIC you must use TMPro2 PIC adapter. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software.
To connect adapters to TMPro2 box you must use cable for adapters.
* Motorola HC05/HC908/HC11, Motorola 9S12 locked, flash chip, TMS370C702. To read or write these memory devices you have to use other programmer.
NOTE:Microchip PIC adapter, eeprom adapter, cable with 8 stripped wires and cable for adapters are included in basic set of TMPro2.
NOTE:Motorola HC805P18 adapter is not included in basic set of TMPro2. You can buy it along with basic set or at later time.
After all connections are done, you have to press on Select and read memory device button, select correct memory device and press OK to process with reading. After reading is done if you wish you can save file read for your archive.
In case for to read and write memory devices you use other programmer, then after memory device is read and file is saved by your programmer you have to load this file in TMPro2 by clicking on Open file button.
Transponder Maker Pro price list
All prices are NETTO - WITHOUT 20% VAT
TMPro box + PIC adapter + Eeprom adapter + Set of 2 cables + Main SW - 200 Euro
Optional:Motorola HC805P18 adapter (used with SW 140,143,159,173,184) - 100 Euro
Spare parts:
PIC adapter - 15 Euro
Eeprom adapter - 5 Euro
Set of 2 cables - 8 Euro
Round 8-pin connector on top of the box - 2 Euro
Software module:
SW 1 - Fiat,Lancia,Citroen,Peugeot IMMObox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 2 - Fiat,Lancia IMM001-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 3 - Fiat,Lancia IMM110-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 4 - Alfa Romeo,Iveco CODE1 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 5 - Alfa Romeo CODE2 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 6 - Fiat,Lancia,Alfa Romeo BSI Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 7 - Fiat,Lancia,Alfa Romeo BSI Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 8 - Fiat,Citroen,Peugeot CODE2 Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 9 - Fiat,Lancia IMM100-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 10 - Audi immobox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 11 - Peugeot,Fiat,Citroen immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 12 - Peugeot,Citroen immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 13 - Peugeot,Fiat,Lancia,Citroen CPH Texton - 100 Euro
SW 14 - Peugeot 206 BSI Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 15 - Peugeot 406 BSI Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 16 - Daewoo immobox - 100 Euro
SW 17 - Honda,Rover immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 18 - Honda,Acura immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 19 - Opel IMMO1 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 20 - Opel IMMO2 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 21 - Mitsubishi immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 22 - VW,Skoda,Seat IMMO1 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 23 - VW,Seat IMMO2 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 24 - VW,Seat,Ford IMMO3 immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 25 - Seat,Peugeot,Piaggio bikes immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 26 - Renault immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 27 - Renault immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 28 - Renault,Dacia immobox Sagem - 100 Euro
SW 29 - Renault BSI Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 30 - Renault UCH Sagem - 250 Euro
SW 31 - Renault UCH Siemens - 250 Euro
SW 32 - Mercedes Sprinter,Vito immobox Temic - 100 Euro
SW 33 - Peugeot bike engine ECU Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 34 - Volvo IMMO3 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 35 - Volvo CARTRONIC immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 36 - Iveco Daily/Truck immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 37 - Mercedes Actros,Atego engine ECU Temic - 100 Euro
SW 38 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 39 - PSA VAG Opel Nissan Ford Mitsubishi new chip - 100 Euro
SW 40 - BMW,Rover,Mini immobox EWS - 100 Euro
SW 41 - Mazda immobox Temic - 100 Euro
SW 42 - Mazda immobox Lucas 19AS - 100 Euro
SW 43 - Nissan,Subaru immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 44 - Renault UCH Sagem type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 45 - Fiat,Citroen,Peugeot,Iveco BSI Marelli type 2 - 250 Euro
SW 46 - Volvo IMMO1 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 47 - Saab body TWICE - 200 Euro
SW 48 - Fiat New Panda BSI Siemens VDO - 250 Euro
SW 49 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Megamos type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 50 - Jaguar immobox - 100 Euro
SW 51 - Renault immobox Texton - 200 Euro
SW 52 - Toyota immobox ID33 - 100 Euro
SW 53 - MAN TGA FFR - 200 Euro
SW 54 - Porsche body ID13 - 150 Euro
SW 55 - GM Passkey3 immobox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 56 - Acura immobox - - 100 Euro
SW 57 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 1 - 100 Euro
SW 58 - Ducati bikes dashboard Marelli - 200 Euro
SW 59 - Fiat Grande Punto BSI Delphi - 250 Euro
SW 60 - Polonez immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 61 - Tata Safari immobox Alltech - 150 Euro
SW 62 - Key copier for ID11,ID12,ID13 and ID33 fixed keys - 100 Euro
SW 63 - Key copier for ID33,ID41,ID42,ID44 VAG and ID45 keys - 100 Euro
SW 64 - Key copier for 4C Texas fixed keys - 100 Euro
SW 65 - Key copier for 4D Texas crypto keys - 150 Euro
SW 66 - Yamaha bikes immobox Moric - 250 Euro
SW 67 - Suzuki bikes engine ECU Denso - 250 Euro
SW 68 - Kawasaki bikes engine ECU Denso - 250 Euro
SW 69 - Mazda 3 dashboard YNS - 100 Euro
SW 70 - Ford Focus dashboard Visteon - 100 Euro
SW 71 - Jaguar dashboard - 100 Euro
SW 72 - Ford engine ECU Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 73 - Ford engine ECU EEC5 - 100 Euro
SW 74 - Ford,Mazda engine ECU Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 75 - Ford Galaxy immobox - 100 Euro
SW 76 - Chrysler immobox SKIM - 100 Euro
SW 77 - Kia immobox Shinchang - 100 Euro
SW 78 - Suzuki immobox Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 79 - Renault Megane immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 80 - Renault Megane UCH Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 81 - Mazda 6 engine ECU Denso - 100 Euro
SW 82 - Mazda 6 engine ECU Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 83 - Toyota Avensis immobox Valeo with ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 84 - Ford Transit 2008 BCM Siemens VDO - 100 Euro
SW 85 - SsangYong immobox VDO - 200 Euro
SW 86 - Chery,Samand immobox Siemens VDO - 200 Euro
SW 87 - Toyota,Lexus ECU Bosch,Fujitsu,Denso - 200 Euro
SW 88 - Scania truck Coordinator - 250 Euro
SW 89 - Mazda RX8 immobox Visteon - 100 Euro
SW 90 - Yamaha scooter ECU Mitsuba - 100 Euro
SW 91 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Tokai Rika - 100 Euro
SW 92 - Toyota,Suzuki,Daihatsu immobox ID4C - 100 Euro
SW 93 - DAF truck immobox VDO - 200 Euro
SW 94 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 2 - 200 Euro
SW 95 - Jeep immobox DaimlerChrysler - 200 Euro
SW 96 - Honda bikes ECU Keihin,OKI - 250 Euro
SW 97 - Suzuki scooter ECU Keihin - 100 Euro
SW 98 - Aprilia scooter dashboard Digitek - 100 Euro
SW 99 - Mitsubishi,Suzuki immobox ID4C type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 100 - Fiat dashboard Marelli,VDO - 250 Euro
SW 101 - Ducati bikes dashboard Digitek - 150 Euro
SW 102 - Samand,Saipa,Chery,Mazda new chip - 200 Euro
SW 103 - Texas Crypto new chip - 200 Euro
SW 104 - Honda,Acura immobox Valeo ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 105 - Honda immobox HIS-5 ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 106 - Mazda 6 diesel ECU Denso - 100 Euro
SW 107 - Hyundai,Kia engine ECU Kefico,Bosch - 200 Euro
SW 108 - Yamaha bikes immobox Moric type 2 - 500 Euro
SW 109 - BMW bikes engine ECU Bosch - 250 Euro
SW 110 - Smart,Mitsubishi ETACS Siemens VDO - 250 Euro
SW 111 - Saab column CIM - 250 Euro
SW 112 - Fiat,Lancia,PSA BSI Marelli type 3 - 250 Euro
SW 113 - Daewoo,Chevrolet immobox ID48 - 100 Euro
SW 114 - Mitsubishi immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 115 - Chevrolet BSI Siemens - 200 Euro
SW 116 - Isuzu immobox SiemensVDO - 200 Euro
SW 117 - Chevrolet,Opel immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 118 - Alfa Romeo,Fiat key reader - 250 Euro
SW 128 - Gilera,Piaggio bikes engine ECU EFI - 200 Euro
SW 129 - KTM bikes immobox ZADI - 250 Euro
SW 130 - BMW,Mini CAS SiemensVDO - 400 Euro
SW 131 - Gilera,Piaggio bikes engine ECU Marelli - 200 Euro
SW 132 - Nissan Sunny dashboard - 200 Euro
SW 133 - Citroen Xantia CPH Texton ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 134 - Renault Twingo 2 UCH Temic - 200 Euro
SW 135 - Subaru immobox Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 136 - Ford BSI Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 137 - GM Passkey3+ immobox Delphi ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 138 - GM Passkey immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 139 - SsangYong,Proton engine ECU VDO - 200 Euro
SW 140 - KIA immobox Texton ID13 - 100 Euro
SW 141 - Suzuki Liana immobox - 200 Euro
SW 142 - Ford engine ECU Siemens,EEC5 - 100 Euro
SW 143 - Mitsubishi,Subaru immobox Mitsubishi ID4D - 250 Euro
SW 144 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 3 - 200 Euro
SW 145 - Key copier onto JMA TPX3/4 transponder - 200 Euro
SW 146 - VW Audi Seat Skoda dealer key - 200 Euro
SW 147 - Kia immobox Texton ID48 - 100 Euro
SW 148 - Mercedes C,E,G masterchip ID44 - 200 Euro
SW 149 - VW Passat 3C (B6/CC) - 400 Euro
SW 150 - VW Audi Seat Skoda CAN dashboard VDO - 250 Euro
SW 151 - Renault truck immobox Delphi ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 152 - VW Audi Seat Skoda new key CAN - 200 Euro
SW 153 - Toyota,Lexus immobox ID4D-67,68,70 - 250 Euro
SW 154 - Hana Benni immobox and ECU ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 155 - VAG,Porsche KESSY Siemens-VDO - 250 Euro
SW 156 - Volvo CEM ID48 with flash chip - 250 Euro
SW 157 - Texas Crypto 4D-63,4D-64,6D-72 new chip - 100 Euro
SW 158 - Mitsubishi Grandis immobox - 200 Euro
SW 159 - Honda engine ECU ID48 - 250 Euro
SW 160 - Mitsubishi Outlander immobox - 200 Euro
SW 161 - Proton Savvy immobox - 100 Euro
SW 162 - Kawasaki JetSki Ultra engine ECU ID4D - 250 Euro
SW 163 - Suzuki engine ECU ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 164 - Jaguar S-type dashboard ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 165 - Porsche body PAS with ID48 - 700 Euro
SW 166 - Huyndai,Kia immobox Shin Chang ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 167 - Opel Astra J,Chevrolet Cruze BCM ID46 - 400 Euro
SW 168 - Peugeot JetForce dashboard - 100 Euro
SW 169 - Daihatsu,Perodua immobox Tokai-Rika ID4D-67 - 250 Euro
SW 170 - Mitsubishi Canter Fuso immobox Tokai-Rika - 400 Euro
SW 171 - MV Agusta bikes dashboard - 250 Euro
SW 172 - Chevrolet immobox Shin Chang ID4D - 200 Euro
SW 173 - Honda engine ECU ID13 - 100 Euro
SW 174 - Landrover immobox SAWDOC - 400 Euro
SW 175 - Fiat BSI Marelli type 5 - 250 Euro
SW 176 - Volvo CEM Delphi with ID46 - 400 Euro
SW 177 - Ducati bikes dashboard MAE electronics - 800 Euro
SW 178 - Ducati bikes handsfree ZADI - 800 Euro
SW 179 - Jaguar immobox ID48 - 250 Euro
SW 180 - Unlocking PIC18F252 used in LandRover immobox SAWDOC - 500 Euro
SW 181 - Landrover Discovery 3 (LR3),Range Rover Sport CEM - 900 Euro
SW 182 - Ducati Panigale immobox ZADI - 500 Euro
SW 183 - KTM bikes immobox ZADI type 2 - 500 Euro
SW 184 - Mazda,Ford,Proton immobox Lucas,Mitsubishi - 300 Euro
SW 185 - Key copier onto Temic Crypto TK5561 transponder - 100 Euro
SW 186 - BMW C600 C650,Husqvarna Nuda dashboard - 1200 Euro
SW 187 - Daewoo,Kia key copier onto TS48 transponder - 100 Euro
SW 188 - Toyota,Lexus SMART key unit Denso - 900 Euro
SW 189 - Ducati Hypermotard 2013 dashboard MAE - 700 Euro
SW 190 - Subaru BCM Mitsubishi - 1000 Euro
SW 191 - BMW bike 2012 immobox EWS - 1200 Euro
SW 192 - Ducati 821 dashboard MTA - 700 Euro
SW 193 - Ducati 1200 dashboard COBO - 700 Euro
SW 194 - Fiat IMM009.10 immobox Marelli - 250 Euro
SW 195 - Great Wall immobox Delphi - 250 Euro
SW 196 - Kawasaki GTR1400 switch Asahi-Denso - 500 Euro
SW 197 - Ducati Scrambler dashboard - 700 Euro
SW 198 - BMW bikes handsfree unit HUF - 1200 Euro
SW 199 - Range Rover Vogue immobox - 100 Euro
SW 200 - VAG,Porsche KESSY Continental - 1000 Euro
SW 201 - Fiat BSI Continental type 1 - 600 Euro
SW 202 - Fiat BSI Continental type 2 - 600 Euro
SW 203 - Aprilia Caponord dashboard - 150 Euro
SW 204 - KTM bikes handsfree ZADI - 800 Euro
SW 205 - Ducati Multistrada dashboard MAE - 700 Euro
SW 206 - MV Agusta Veloce dashboard COBO - 700 Euro
SW 207 - Aprilia dashboard COBO - 200 Euro
SW 208 - Moto Guzzi dashboard - 200 Euro
Package includes:
1pc x TMPro 2
TMPro 2 Transponder Key Programmer Transponder Key Copier And PIN Code Calculator Basic
Transponder Maker Pro TMPro2 works with immobilisers eeprom dumps. You must have electronic knowledges and to know how to use soldering-desoldering tools and memory devices programmers.It is your choice what programmer you will use for reading memory devices – TMPro2 memory device programmer or other programmer. In order to program transponder you have to remove immobox/BSI/UCH unit from car, open it, desolder memory device or solder wires on testpoints, and read it. Depending of vehicle memory device can be serial eeprom, Motorola MCU, Microchip PIC MCU, ST10F269 MCU, Texas Instruments MCU etc… Next step is to program transponder. Last step is to solder back memory device, reassemble IMMObox/BSI/UCH and fit back to car.
Working with TMPro2 is easy. You must have some electronic knowledges and equipment, like soldering iron, hot air gun, multimeter etc. Also you need to know which unit contains key data, and it`s location in vehicle. Remove unit from vehicle, open it and locate memory device. For some of units memory device is easy to be accessed, but for other it is not easy – you must cut a hole, dig a silicone etc.
When type of memory device is clear, you have to see how you can read/write it.
For 70% of softwares reading and writing of memory devices can be done either by TMPro2 or by other programmer.
For 5% of softwares reading and writing is mandatory to be made with TMPro2.
For 25% of softwares for reading and writing of memory devices you must use other programmer.
Multi-language: Bulgarian, English, French, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Serbian, Italian and Czech.
Memory device depends on unit, that contains key data. Memory device can be:
* Serial eeprom. Supported are all 93cXX, 24cXX, 25/95cXXX, X5328, S29190, X24c01, 95p08.To read or write serial eeproms, you must desolder it from board and solder on TMPro2 eeprom adapter. On adapter there are sockets for 3 different types – DIL, SMD and SSOP.
* Motorola 912/9S12 not locked, ST10F269 or Moric. To read or write these MCU you have to use cable with 8 stripped wires. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software.
* Motorola HC805P18. To read or write this Motorola you must use TMPro2 Motorola HC805P18 adapter. Desolder MCU from IMMObox and solder it on adapter.
* Microchip PIC. To read or write Microchip PIC you must use TMPro2 PIC adapter. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software.
To connect adapters to TMPro2 box you must use cable for adapters.
* Motorola HC05/HC908/HC11, Motorola 9S12 locked, flash chip, TMS370C702. To read or write these memory devices you have to use other programmer.
NOTE:Microchip PIC adapter, eeprom adapter, cable with 8 stripped wires and cable for adapters are included in basic set of TMPro2.
NOTE:Motorola HC805P18 adapter is not included in basic set of TMPro2. You can buy it along with basic set or at later time.
After all connections are done, you have to press on Select and read memory device button, select correct memory device and press OK to process with reading. After reading is done if you wish you can save file read for your archive.
In case for to read and write memory devices you use other programmer, then after memory device is read and file is saved by your programmer you have to load this file in TMPro2 by clicking on Open file button.
TMPro uses 7 types of transponders.
Used types are:
- Sokymat Nova, also known as Silca T5 or JMA TP05.
- Philips PCF 7935. You can use also Silca T15 or JMA TP14.
- Philips PCF 7936. You can use also Silca T14 or JMA TP12.
- Sokymat Magic, also known as Megamos Crypto.You can use also Silca T6 or JMA TP08.
- JMA TPX1 or Errebi TX1
- JMA TPX2 or Errebi TX2 or china 4D clonable transponder
- Texas DST, also known as Texas Crypto or Silca 4D-60 - JMA TP06/TP19
- JMA TPX3/TPX4 or Errebi TX4/TX4A
Transponder Maker Pro price list
All prices are NETTO - WITHOUT 20% VAT
TMPro box + PIC adapter + Eeprom adapter + Set of 2 cables + Main SW - 200 Euro
Optional:Motorola HC805P18 adapter (used with SW 140,143,159,173,184) - 100 Euro
Spare parts:
PIC adapter - 15 Euro
Eeprom adapter - 5 Euro
Set of 2 cables - 8 Euro
Round 8-pin connector on top of the box - 2 Euro
Software module:
SW 1 - Fiat,Lancia,Citroen,Peugeot IMMObox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 2 - Fiat,Lancia IMM001-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 3 - Fiat,Lancia IMM110-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 4 - Alfa Romeo,Iveco CODE1 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 5 - Alfa Romeo CODE2 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 6 - Fiat,Lancia,Alfa Romeo BSI Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 7 - Fiat,Lancia,Alfa Romeo BSI Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 8 - Fiat,Citroen,Peugeot CODE2 Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 9 - Fiat,Lancia IMM100-01 immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 10 - Audi immobox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 11 - Peugeot,Fiat,Citroen immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 12 - Peugeot,Citroen immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 13 - Peugeot,Fiat,Lancia,Citroen CPH Texton - 100 Euro
SW 14 - Peugeot 206 BSI Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 15 - Peugeot 406 BSI Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 16 - Daewoo immobox - 100 Euro
SW 17 - Honda,Rover immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 18 - Honda,Acura immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 19 - Opel IMMO1 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 20 - Opel IMMO2 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 21 - Mitsubishi immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 22 - VW,Skoda,Seat IMMO1 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 23 - VW,Seat IMMO2 immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 24 - VW,Seat,Ford IMMO3 immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 25 - Seat,Peugeot,Piaggio bikes immobox Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 26 - Renault immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 27 - Renault immobox Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 28 - Renault,Dacia immobox Sagem - 100 Euro
SW 29 - Renault BSI Valeo - 100 Euro
SW 30 - Renault UCH Sagem - 250 Euro
SW 31 - Renault UCH Siemens - 250 Euro
SW 32 - Mercedes Sprinter,Vito immobox Temic - 100 Euro
SW 33 - Peugeot bike engine ECU Marelli - 100 Euro
SW 34 - Volvo IMMO3 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 35 - Volvo CARTRONIC immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 36 - Iveco Daily/Truck immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 37 - Mercedes Actros,Atego engine ECU Temic - 100 Euro
SW 38 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 39 - PSA VAG Opel Nissan Ford Mitsubishi new chip - 100 Euro
SW 40 - BMW,Rover,Mini immobox EWS - 100 Euro
SW 41 - Mazda immobox Temic - 100 Euro
SW 42 - Mazda immobox Lucas 19AS - 100 Euro
SW 43 - Nissan,Subaru immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 44 - Renault UCH Sagem type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 45 - Fiat,Citroen,Peugeot,Iveco BSI Marelli type 2 - 250 Euro
SW 46 - Volvo IMMO1 immobox Bosch - 100 Euro
SW 47 - Saab body TWICE - 200 Euro
SW 48 - Fiat New Panda BSI Siemens VDO - 250 Euro
SW 49 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Megamos type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 50 - Jaguar immobox - 100 Euro
SW 51 - Renault immobox Texton - 200 Euro
SW 52 - Toyota immobox ID33 - 100 Euro
SW 53 - MAN TGA FFR - 200 Euro
SW 54 - Porsche body ID13 - 150 Euro
SW 55 - GM Passkey3 immobox Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 56 - Acura immobox - - 100 Euro
SW 57 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 1 - 100 Euro
SW 58 - Ducati bikes dashboard Marelli - 200 Euro
SW 59 - Fiat Grande Punto BSI Delphi - 250 Euro
SW 60 - Polonez immobox Megamos - 100 Euro
SW 61 - Tata Safari immobox Alltech - 150 Euro
SW 62 - Key copier for ID11,ID12,ID13 and ID33 fixed keys - 100 Euro
SW 63 - Key copier for ID33,ID41,ID42,ID44 VAG and ID45 keys - 100 Euro
SW 64 - Key copier for 4C Texas fixed keys - 100 Euro
SW 65 - Key copier for 4D Texas crypto keys - 150 Euro
SW 66 - Yamaha bikes immobox Moric - 250 Euro
SW 67 - Suzuki bikes engine ECU Denso - 250 Euro
SW 68 - Kawasaki bikes engine ECU Denso - 250 Euro
SW 69 - Mazda 3 dashboard YNS - 100 Euro
SW 70 - Ford Focus dashboard Visteon - 100 Euro
SW 71 - Jaguar dashboard - 100 Euro
SW 72 - Ford engine ECU Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 73 - Ford engine ECU EEC5 - 100 Euro
SW 74 - Ford,Mazda engine ECU Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 75 - Ford Galaxy immobox - 100 Euro
SW 76 - Chrysler immobox SKIM - 100 Euro
SW 77 - Kia immobox Shinchang - 100 Euro
SW 78 - Suzuki immobox Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 79 - Renault Megane immobox Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 80 - Renault Megane UCH Siemens - 100 Euro
SW 81 - Mazda 6 engine ECU Denso - 100 Euro
SW 82 - Mazda 6 engine ECU Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 83 - Toyota Avensis immobox Valeo with ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 84 - Ford Transit 2008 BCM Siemens VDO - 100 Euro
SW 85 - SsangYong immobox VDO - 200 Euro
SW 86 - Chery,Samand immobox Siemens VDO - 200 Euro
SW 87 - Toyota,Lexus ECU Bosch,Fujitsu,Denso - 200 Euro
SW 88 - Scania truck Coordinator - 250 Euro
SW 89 - Mazda RX8 immobox Visteon - 100 Euro
SW 90 - Yamaha scooter ECU Mitsuba - 100 Euro
SW 91 - Opel,Isuzu immobox Tokai Rika - 100 Euro
SW 92 - Toyota,Suzuki,Daihatsu immobox ID4C - 100 Euro
SW 93 - DAF truck immobox VDO - 200 Euro
SW 94 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 2 - 200 Euro
SW 95 - Jeep immobox DaimlerChrysler - 200 Euro
SW 96 - Honda bikes ECU Keihin,OKI - 250 Euro
SW 97 - Suzuki scooter ECU Keihin - 100 Euro
SW 98 - Aprilia scooter dashboard Digitek - 100 Euro
SW 99 - Mitsubishi,Suzuki immobox ID4C type 2 - 100 Euro
SW 100 - Fiat dashboard Marelli,VDO - 250 Euro
SW 101 - Ducati bikes dashboard Digitek - 150 Euro
SW 102 - Samand,Saipa,Chery,Mazda new chip - 200 Euro
SW 103 - Texas Crypto new chip - 200 Euro
SW 104 - Honda,Acura immobox Valeo ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 105 - Honda immobox HIS-5 ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 106 - Mazda 6 diesel ECU Denso - 100 Euro
SW 107 - Hyundai,Kia engine ECU Kefico,Bosch - 200 Euro
SW 108 - Yamaha bikes immobox Moric type 2 - 500 Euro
SW 109 - BMW bikes engine ECU Bosch - 250 Euro
SW 110 - Smart,Mitsubishi ETACS Siemens VDO - 250 Euro
SW 111 - Saab column CIM - 250 Euro
SW 112 - Fiat,Lancia,PSA BSI Marelli type 3 - 250 Euro
SW 113 - Daewoo,Chevrolet immobox ID48 - 100 Euro
SW 114 - Mitsubishi immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 115 - Chevrolet BSI Siemens - 200 Euro
SW 116 - Isuzu immobox SiemensVDO - 200 Euro
SW 117 - Chevrolet,Opel immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 118 - Alfa Romeo,Fiat key reader - 250 Euro
SW 128 - Gilera,Piaggio bikes engine ECU EFI - 200 Euro
SW 129 - KTM bikes immobox ZADI - 250 Euro
SW 130 - BMW,Mini CAS SiemensVDO - 400 Euro
SW 131 - Gilera,Piaggio bikes engine ECU Marelli - 200 Euro
SW 132 - Nissan Sunny dashboard - 200 Euro
SW 133 - Citroen Xantia CPH Texton ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 134 - Renault Twingo 2 UCH Temic - 200 Euro
SW 135 - Subaru immobox Mitsubishi - 100 Euro
SW 136 - Ford BSI Delphi - 100 Euro
SW 137 - GM Passkey3+ immobox Delphi ID48 - 200 Euro
SW 138 - GM Passkey immobox ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 139 - SsangYong,Proton engine ECU VDO - 200 Euro
SW 140 - KIA immobox Texton ID13 - 100 Euro
SW 141 - Suzuki Liana immobox - 200 Euro
SW 142 - Ford engine ECU Siemens,EEC5 - 100 Euro
SW 143 - Mitsubishi,Subaru immobox Mitsubishi ID4D - 250 Euro
SW 144 - Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 3 - 200 Euro
SW 145 - Key copier onto JMA TPX3/4 transponder - 200 Euro
SW 146 - VW Audi Seat Skoda dealer key - 200 Euro
SW 147 - Kia immobox Texton ID48 - 100 Euro
SW 148 - Mercedes C,E,G masterchip ID44 - 200 Euro
SW 149 - VW Passat 3C (B6/CC) - 400 Euro
SW 150 - VW Audi Seat Skoda CAN dashboard VDO - 250 Euro
SW 151 - Renault truck immobox Delphi ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 152 - VW Audi Seat Skoda new key CAN - 200 Euro
SW 153 - Toyota,Lexus immobox ID4D-67,68,70 - 250 Euro
SW 154 - Hana Benni immobox and ECU ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 155 - VAG,Porsche KESSY Siemens-VDO - 250 Euro
SW 156 - Volvo CEM ID48 with flash chip - 250 Euro
SW 157 - Texas Crypto 4D-63,4D-64,6D-72 new chip - 100 Euro
SW 158 - Mitsubishi Grandis immobox - 200 Euro
SW 159 - Honda engine ECU ID48 - 250 Euro
SW 160 - Mitsubishi Outlander immobox - 200 Euro
SW 161 - Proton Savvy immobox - 100 Euro
SW 162 - Kawasaki JetSki Ultra engine ECU ID4D - 250 Euro
SW 163 - Suzuki engine ECU ID46 - 200 Euro
SW 164 - Jaguar S-type dashboard ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 165 - Porsche body PAS with ID48 - 700 Euro
SW 166 - Huyndai,Kia immobox Shin Chang ID4D - 100 Euro
SW 167 - Opel Astra J,Chevrolet Cruze BCM ID46 - 400 Euro
SW 168 - Peugeot JetForce dashboard - 100 Euro
SW 169 - Daihatsu,Perodua immobox Tokai-Rika ID4D-67 - 250 Euro
SW 170 - Mitsubishi Canter Fuso immobox Tokai-Rika - 400 Euro
SW 171 - MV Agusta bikes dashboard - 250 Euro
SW 172 - Chevrolet immobox Shin Chang ID4D - 200 Euro
SW 173 - Honda engine ECU ID13 - 100 Euro
SW 174 - Landrover immobox SAWDOC - 400 Euro
SW 175 - Fiat BSI Marelli type 5 - 250 Euro
SW 176 - Volvo CEM Delphi with ID46 - 400 Euro
SW 177 - Ducati bikes dashboard MAE electronics - 800 Euro
SW 178 - Ducati bikes handsfree ZADI - 800 Euro
SW 179 - Jaguar immobox ID48 - 250 Euro
SW 180 - Unlocking PIC18F252 used in LandRover immobox SAWDOC - 500 Euro
SW 181 - Landrover Discovery 3 (LR3),Range Rover Sport CEM - 900 Euro
SW 182 - Ducati Panigale immobox ZADI - 500 Euro
SW 183 - KTM bikes immobox ZADI type 2 - 500 Euro
SW 184 - Mazda,Ford,Proton immobox Lucas,Mitsubishi - 300 Euro
SW 185 - Key copier onto Temic Crypto TK5561 transponder - 100 Euro
SW 186 - BMW C600 C650,Husqvarna Nuda dashboard - 1200 Euro
SW 187 - Daewoo,Kia key copier onto TS48 transponder - 100 Euro
SW 188 - Toyota,Lexus SMART key unit Denso - 900 Euro
SW 189 - Ducati Hypermotard 2013 dashboard MAE - 700 Euro
SW 190 - Subaru BCM Mitsubishi - 1000 Euro
SW 191 - BMW bike 2012 immobox EWS - 1200 Euro
SW 192 - Ducati 821 dashboard MTA - 700 Euro
SW 193 - Ducati 1200 dashboard COBO - 700 Euro
SW 194 - Fiat IMM009.10 immobox Marelli - 250 Euro
SW 195 - Great Wall immobox Delphi - 250 Euro
SW 196 - Kawasaki GTR1400 switch Asahi-Denso - 500 Euro
SW 197 - Ducati Scrambler dashboard - 700 Euro
SW 198 - BMW bikes handsfree unit HUF - 1200 Euro
SW 199 - Range Rover Vogue immobox - 100 Euro
SW 200 - VAG,Porsche KESSY Continental - 1000 Euro
SW 201 - Fiat BSI Continental type 1 - 600 Euro
SW 202 - Fiat BSI Continental type 2 - 600 Euro
SW 203 - Aprilia Caponord dashboard - 150 Euro
SW 204 - KTM bikes handsfree ZADI - 800 Euro
SW 205 - Ducati Multistrada dashboard MAE - 700 Euro
SW 206 - MV Agusta Veloce dashboard COBO - 700 Euro
SW 207 - Aprilia dashboard COBO - 200 Euro
SW 208 - Moto Guzzi dashboard - 200 Euro
Package includes:
1pc x TMPro 2
Reviews 18
- #1 Jesus Luna Quintana
Feb 9, 2019 - I have received the parcel very fast. Seller is very friendly. I will make new orders again. Every time the seller answered for my question. I recommended this shop for all.
- #1 azer tyu
Jun 9, 2018 - OK, TOP seller, good supporrt...
- #1 armando torres
Sep 9, 2018 - All the best, very fast! Thank you!
- #1 Marat Yagubov
Jun 9, 2018 - Very good product
- #1 Felipe Diniz
Nov 9, 2018 - Item arrived quickly and guality was good.
- #1 mustafa ata
Apr 9, 2019 - Quality is good. I will test function later.
- #1 Amy Swiger
May 9, 2018 - Very fast delivery less than a week packing super satisfied order not the first time all advise seller this TMPro 2 Original TM Pro 2 Transponder Key Programmer Key Copier and PIN Code Calculator Basic Version is good quality, working very well
- #1 zmfnephtz zmfnephtz
Sep 9, 2018 - Very good… Super fast
- #1 iepreciadshan OLIVIER
Mar 9, 2019 - Wrote to the seller, you can send today. The seller confirmed that there is in stock, will be able to send. The parcel was sent on the same day, thank you very much, fast delivery, the goods will match the description. Ordered from russia.
- #1 Pedro Azevedo
Dec 9, 2018 - Product arrived before the date mentioned, are. Now only test
Previous: Scorpio-LK Emulators SLK-05 for Tango Transponder Key Programmer
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