
1. Support diagnose report
Diagnose report will be generated automatically after you run the car scanning, report is easy to found from the app homepage. Results are friendly for users to understand, obvious to see car status.
Inside the diagnostic menu there are 7 functions for customer to choose

If any DTCs exist will be shown on the report, also our app will write the DTCs description in specific so that user can understand what is the problem. Besides reading DTCs, there is a button for user to clear the DTCs, user can click the clear button to clear DTCs easily.
User can select data name, topping the data you need, check curve chart, freeze the current data stream, and clear DTC.

Tabscan T1 Smart Diagnostic Box

1. Support diagnose report
Diagnose report will be generated automatically after you run the car scanning, report is easy to found from the app homepage. Results are friendly for users to understand, obvious to see car status.
- Support ISO protocol DTC reading and clearing
- OBD diagnostic service
- Service 0x01-request current powertrain diagnostic data
- Service 0x02-request powertrain freeze frame data
- Service 0x03-request emission related diagnostic trouble code
- Service 0x04-clear/reset diagnostic information related to emissions
- Service 0x05-request oxygen sensor monitor test results(achieved in service 0x06)
- Service 0x06-request on-board monitoring test results for a specific monitored system
- Service 0x07-a diagnostic trouble code related to emissions is detected in the requested driving cycle
- Service 0x08-request for vehicle control system, test or components(currently not support)
- Service $09-request for vehicle information
- Service 0x0A-request a permanent diagnostic trouble code associated with emissions
Inside the diagnostic menu there are 7 functions for customer to choose

- DTC&FFD (Mode 03/07/0A & Mode 02)
If any DTCs exist will be shown on the report, also our app will write the DTCs description in specific so that user can understand what is the problem. Besides reading DTCs, there is a button for user to clear the DTCs, user can click the clear button to clear DTCs easily.
- I/M readiness
- Malfunction indicator lamp(MIL) status.
- Misfire monitoring.
- Fuel system monitoring.
- Comprehensive component monitoring.
- Catalyst monitoring.
- Heated catalyst monitoring.
- Evaporative system monitoring.
- Secondary air system monitoring.
- Oxygen sensor monitoring.
- Oxygen sensor heater monitoring.
- EGR system monitoring.
- Live data (Mode 01)
- Numbers of DTCs stored in this ECU.
- Fuel system A status.
- Fuel system B status.
- Calculated load value.
- engine coolant temperature.
- Short term fuel trim bank 1.
- Long term fuel trim bank 1.
- Intake manifold absolute pressure.
- engine RPM.
- Vehicle speed sensor.
- Ignition timing advance for #1 cylinder.
- Intake air temperature.
- Absolute throttle position.
- Location of oxygen sensors.
- Oxygen sensor output voltage bank 1-sensor 1.
- Short term fuel trim bank 1 - sensor 1.
- Oxygen sensor output voltage bank 1-sensor 2.
- Short term fuel trim bank 1 - sensor 2.
- OBD requirements to which vehicle is designed.
- Time since engine start.
- Distance travelled while MIL is activated.
- Commanded evaporative purge.
- Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared.
- Distance traveled since DTCS cleared.
- Barometric pressure.
- Catalyst temperature bank 1, sensor 1.
- Control module voltage.
- Absolute load value.
- Fuel/Air commanded equivalence ratio.
- Relative throttle position.
- Ambient air temperature.
- Absolute throttle position B.
- Accelerator pedal position D.
- Accelerator pedal position E.
- Commanded throttle actuator control.
- Type of fuel currently being utilized by the vehicle.
- Long term secondary O2 sensor fuel trim - bank 1(use if only 1 fuel trim value).
User can select data name, topping the data you need, check curve chart, freeze the current data stream, and clear DTC.
- On board monitor(Mode 06)
- Exhaust gas sensor monitor bank 1-sensor
- Exhaust gas sensor monitor bank 1-sensor
- Catalyst monitor bank 1.
- VVT monitor bank 1.
- Purge flow monitor.
- Exhaust gas sensor heater monitor bank 1-sensor 1.
- Exhaust gas sensor heater monitor bank 1-sensor 2.
- Misfire cylinder 1 data.
- EWMA misfire counts for previous driving cycles.
- Misfire counts for last current driving cycles.
- Misfire cylinder 2 data.
- EWMA misfire counts for previous driving cycles.
- Misfire counts for last/current driving cycles.
- Misfire cylinder 3 data.
- EWMA misfire counts for previous driving cycles.
- Misfire counts for last/current driving cycles.
- Misfire cylinder 4 data.
- EWMA misfire counts for previous driving cycles.
- Misfire counts for last/current driving cycles.
- Component test(Mode 08)
- Vehicle information(Mode 09)
- Vehicle general information, including VIN, calibration ID, calibration verification numbers, ECU name
- Vehicle enhance information
- OBD monitoring conditions encountered counts
- Ignition counter
- Catalyst monitor completion counts bank 1
- Catalyst monitor conditions encountered counts bank 1
- Catalyst monitor completion counts bank 2
- O2 sensor monitor completion counts bank 1
- O2 sensor monitor condition encountered counts bank 1
- O2 sensor monitor completion counts bank 2
- O2 sensor monitor condition encountered counts bank 2
- EGR and/or VVT monitor conditions encountered counts
- EGR and/or VVT monitor completion condition counts
- Air monitor completion condition counts(secondary air)
- Air monitor conditions encountered counts(secondary air)
- EVAP monitor completion condition counts
- EVAP monitor conditions encountered counts
- Secondary O2 sensor monitor completion counts bank 1
- Secondary O2 sensor monitor conditions encountered counts bank 1
- Secondary O2 sensor monitor completion counts bank 2
- Secondary O2 sensor monitor conditions encountered counts bank 2
- Vehicle Status
- Protocol
- Engine
- MIL status
- Codes found
- Monitors N/A
- Monitors OK
- Monitors INC
- Instrument lights
- Brake system
- Anti-lock brake
- Brake pads
- Engine coolant
- Engine oil pressure
- Battery charging
- Airbag & seat belt
- Traction control
- Tire pressure
- Maintenance
- Transmission
- Stability control
- Service engine
- Washer fluid
- Esp fault
- Glow plug
- Power steering
- Parking brake
- Brake fluid
- PCBU inquiry

Previous: EUCLEIA Tabscan Wiscan T2 Smart Diagnostic Scanner Box
Next: TANGO OBD Cable Used together with Tango key programmer
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